
This exciting, all new edition of Introduction to Business, 3e introduces students to core business concepts and how they center around a companys business plan. This texts applied approach addresses how and why a business operates. Students can then build upon their practical skills through examples, exercises and projects to help them gain a full understanding of how and why to develop a business plan. Each text is packaged with a Business Plan Booklet and CD-ROM, which are tied to end-of-part features, allowing students hands-on practice in creating a sound business plan. Through lively examples this text emphasizes key core skill areas including, Decision-Making and Planning, Teamwork, Technology, and Communication.
Madura, Jeff
Florida Atlantic University
Jeff Madura is the SunTrust Bank Professor of Finance at Florida Atlantic University. He has written several textbooks, including International Financial Management and Financial Markets and Institutions. His research on topics of banking and financial markets has been published in numerous journals, including Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Journal of Banking and Finance, Applied Financial Economics, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Financial Research and Journal of Financial Services Research. He has received awards for excellence in teaching and research, and has served as a consultant for commercial banks, securities firms, and other corporations. He has served as a Director for the Southern Finance Association and Eastern Finance Association, and served as President of the Southern Finance Association.
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Introduction to Business 3e - Jeff Madura
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Introduction to Business 3e. 3. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility. Copyright © 2004 South-Western. All rights reserved. 3–2. Learning Goals. Describe ...
Introduction to Business: Jeff (Jeff Madura) Madura - Amazon
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This exciting, all new edition of Introduction to Business, 3e introduces students to core business concepts and how they center around a company's business ...
Introduction to business - Jeff Madura - Google Books
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This exciting, all new edition of Introduction to Business, 3e introduces students to core business concepts and how they center around a company's business ...
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BUSN 3E's lively engaging approach immediately draws students into business fundamentals with a compelling design that addresses all core Introduction to ...
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As authoritative and accurate as it is a pleasure to read, this latest addition to the Beatty/Samuelson series of texts is explicitly written from the ground up to ...
Introduction to Business Communication
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Unit Title: Introduction to Business Communication ... transmission of information in business situations. Assessment ... 2.2.3 E-mails to individuals and groups.
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An Introduction to Business Ethics, 3/e ... DesJardin's unique approach encompasses all that an introductory business ethics course is, from a multidisciplinary ...
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Help for Madura, Introduction to Business, 3e Xtra! Browser Requirements: Netscape Navigator version 4.0 or higher or Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or ...
博客來書籍館>Introduction to Electronic Commerce 3/e
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2010年12月20日 ... Introduction to Electronic Commerce 3/e Turban. ... Extensive, vivid examples from large corporations, small businesses, industries, services, ...